Structured Data Workshop

Handling data is an essential part of everyday work in science. However, what are best practices, typical mistakes, and applicable regulations? In our newly designed data-management workshop, participants will not only learn the answers to these questions, but will also be able to experience hands-on how the open-source research data management software LinkAhead can help…

New LinkAhead release 0.7.0

The latest LinkAhead release is out! This version fixes a security issue which under some circumstances enabled an additional user account with admin rights. Please update to this version ASAP. What’s new Security Changed

Your data model as an image file

Did you know how easy it is to export your data model used in LinkAhead? to_graphics(container, “data_model”) The following Python script for example downloads the data model from the Demo LinkAhead server and generates an UML diagram. All you have to do is run the script and afterwards simply open the image file.

New LinkAhead release 0.6.0

We are happy to announce the next release of LinkAhead. You can download it here. The new version 0.6.0 incorporates the latest CaosDB server and some small bug fixes. What’s new Security The ypsetup executable now checks its number of arguments. Changed Updated versions of underlying packages: Fixed #244: could not connect to running server

Ein Tag als Hacker*in – Programmieren mit Python

Am 28.04.22 ist Girls’ Day bei IndiScale, hier geht es zur Anmeldung. Hacker*in sein – was heißt das? Hacker*innen sind Personen, die sich gut mit Technik und Computern auskennen. Sie können programmieren und wissen wie Computersysteme funktionieren und nutzen dieses Wissen um neue und clevere technische Lösungen für unterschiedlichste Probleme zu finden. Ein Hacker hat…

IndiScale is a “Digital Place” in Lower Saxony

Actually, we always knew we were doing “something with digitalization”, but now it’s official: IndiScale has been selected as a “Digitaler Ort” (Digital Place) by the Digitalagentur Lower Saxony and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Digitalization. We look forward to assisting other projects on their way to a digitally enhanced future!…

HEADS app calculates risk for corona contraction

Over the last months, we developed an app for the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the University Medical Center in Göttingen which calculates the indoor risk to contract a COVID 19 infection. The researchers, led by Freja Nordsiek, Eberhard Bodenschatz and Gholamhossein Bagheri, developed a detailed model for the spread, settling and…

New features for LinkAhead: Versioning and Workflow Management

Mistakes happen, even in the best working environments. That’s why data in LinkAhead is now versioned by default, meaning that after changes are made to stored data, the original value, time of change, etc. are still accessible. In this way, errors can be corrected, but the entire history remains traceable and audit-proof, thus also satisfying…


The Center for Digital Innovation Lower Saxony brings together innovative players in six future labs spanning a range of topics. We are pleased that we have been able to drive and help shape digitalization in Lower Saxony in this exciting, interdisciplinary environment as an associated partner since the beginning of September. It’s great that young,…

First place at the Innovation Award of the Landkreis Göttingen

Only a few months after our founding, we had the chance to compete with other companies from all over Germany, at the Innovation Award of the Landkreis Göttingen 2019. A total of 101 companies were competing in three categories for the jury award for the most significant innovation of the last year. On the evening…

Categorized as Prize