One is good, two are better. Our papers are published.

Publish two papers in one week? No problem for the IndiScale crew. This was of course pure coincidence, but we are pleased to announce both publications.

“Mapping Hierarchical File Structures to Semantic Data Models for Efficient Data Integration into Research Data Management Systems” is on the concept of the LinkAhead Crawler, in which we discuss how to integrate and synchronize data in a hierarichal file system structure into a research data management software such as LinkAhead. It was published in the MDPI Open Access Journal.

“Agile Research Data Management with Open Source: LinkAhead” addresses the relationship between research data management and good scientific practice and answers many questions that arise from this and is published on ing.grid. We provide the solutions to many of these problems with our RDM and open source software LinkAhead and invite you to read the details about the concept behind it.

Above all, we are very happy that our work provides a close link to the scientific community. And we hope that we can make an important contribution to FAIR research data management in the long term.